

澳门威尼斯人官网学院发布的材料 & 工作人员 website is intended to provide general information 和 summarize various University policies, 程序, 员工福利.

本材料和所有政策, 手册, or other information posted on any 澳门威尼斯人官网 web site does not create a contract, 明示或暗示, 澳门威尼斯人官网和任何员工之间的关系.

The University may change any information which is posted on any of its websites from time to time without prior notice. The University may deviate from the guidelines or any policy set forth on any University website as individual circumstances warrant 和 without prior notice.

杜克大学的就业是随心所欲的, meaning that the employment relationship may be terminated by the employee or DU at any time, 不管什么原因, 有或没有事先通知. Except as may b e provided in a written contract signed by an authorized representative of the University, no employee has a guarantee or promise of employment with the University for any specific period of time. 进一步, no one has authority to make an agreement with any employee of the University concerning such employee’s length of employment except in writing.


你可以使用, 复制和分发大学网站上的资料供内部使用, 非商业性, 仅供参考. 您制作的所有材料副本必须具有任何版权, 商标 or other proprietary notice located on the site which pertain to the material being copied. 除非本段授权, 您没有被授予任何版权下的许可, 商标, 材料或产品的专利或其他知识产权, 服务, 其中所述的工艺或技术. 所有该等权利均由DU和/或该等权利的任何第三方所有者保留


不要向我们发送任何机密或专有信息. 任何反馈, data, 答案, 问题, 评论, 建议, 想法之类的, 您发送使用的内容将被视为非机密和非专有的. We assume no obligation to protect such information from disclosure 和 will be free to reproduce, 不受限制地使用和分发信息给他人. 我们也可以自由使用任何想法, 概念, know-how or techniques contained in information that you send us for any purpose whatsoever.


Material on University websites may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. 本材料可能会定期进行修改. DU可以对产品进行改进和/或更改, 本材料中所述的服务和/或程序随时无需另行通知.

大学网站上提供的材料 “按现状”不作任何形式的保证, 无论是明示的还是暗示的, 包括, 但不限于, 对适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, 和非.   一些司法管辖区不允许排除默示保证, 因此,上述豁免可能不适用于您 .

在任何情况下,澳门威尼斯人官网或其任何受托人不得, 员工, 或其他代表承担任何损害赔偿责任, 包括补偿, 特殊的, 间接, 间接或附带损害赔偿或利润损失损害赔偿, 收入, 使用, data, 或财产的损失或损坏以及第三方的索赔, 无论是合同还是侵权, 由任何大学网站或使用引起或与之有关, reliance upon or performance of any material contained in or accessed from any University web site.


We are under no obligation to monitor the material residing on or transmitted to this server. 然而, anyone using this server agrees that the University may monitor the server contents periodically to (1) comply with any necessary laws, regulations or other governmental requests; (2) to operate the server properly or to protect itself 和 its 使用rs. 大学保留修改的权利, 拒绝或消除任何材料驻留或传输到它的服务器,它, 自行决定, 认为是不可接受的或违反法律或这些条款和条件.


The 使用r of this system assumes all responsibility 和 risk for the 使用 of this server 和 the internet generally. 澳门威尼斯人官网不承担任何担保责任, 陈述或背书, 明示或暗示, 澳门威尼斯人官网获取的信息, 或通过, 该服务器或Internet, 包括, 但不限于, 所有澳门威尼斯人官网适销性的默示保证, 适合某一特定目的, 或无侵犯. DU不对准确性承担任何法律责任或责任, 完整性, 或者任何信息的有用性, 装置, product or process disclosed on the server or other material accessible from the server. 在任何情况下,杜或其任何董事不得, 员工, 或其他代表承担任何赔偿责任, 特殊的, 间接, 或相应的损害赔偿或因失去使用而造成的任何损害赔偿, data, 收入或利润, 是否在合同诉讼中, 侵犯知识产权, 过失或其他侵权行为, arising out of or in connection with the 使用 or performance of the information on 该服务器或Internet generally.

用户不得提交任何具有诽谤性的材料, 侵权, 违反适用法律或对系统有害的. 而用户可以保留其提交材料的版权利益, all materials submitted for public posting to the system shall become part of the database, all compilation 和 collective copyrights in which are owned exclusively by the University. 此外, 使用rs who submit material shall be deemed to (i) grant to DU 和 subscribers to the system a paid up, 永恒的, 世界范围内不可撤销的使用许可, copy 和 redistribute such materials 和 any portions thereof 和 any derivative works there from 和 (ii) warrant that such submitting 使用r has all rights necessary to submit such material 和 that the 使用 of such material by the University 和 subscribers to the system will not infringe any other party’s rights.

每个用户都同意, as a condition of such license (i) not to remove identifying source information from verbatim copies of 使用r-supplied materials (or substantially similar derivative works) found in public areas of the system 和 (ii) not to reproduce portions thereof in any way that identifies the source but fails to describe accurately the nature 和 source of any modification, 对它的修改或选择.

尽管有用户和信息提供者授予的许可, 用户不得从事系统的, substantial 和 regular replication of materials supplied to the system where the effect of such actions is to provide another person who is not an authorized subscriber to such materials with a substantial substitute for a subscription.


Each party that submits materials agrees that in uploading executable files to the system it will 使用 only computer systems employing reasonable means to check for 和 prevent the spread of computer vir使用s.


DU is sensitive to privacy issues with respect to the 使用 of information provided to us over the Internet.

We believe it is important for you to know how we treat the information about you that is received by us when you visit. 在一般情况下, you can visit the University’s sites on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Portions of the University’s websites containing employment policies 和 information may be password protected to limit access to University 教师 和 工作人员. 我们的网络服务器收集有关用户如何访问我们网站的信息. 这些信息被汇总以衡量访问次数, 花在网站上的平均时间, 浏览页数, 以及找到我们的地点的方法. DU 使用s this information to evaluate the 使用 of our site 和 to continuously improve the content being provided.

The University’s website may contain links to other sites such as search engines 和 information about Denver 和 Colorado. While we try to link only to sites that share our high st和ards 和 respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.

Beca使用 of the evolving nature of the technologies that we 使用 和 the way that we conduct business, 我们可能会不时修改本政策. 我们将在这个网站上发布任何修改.